Friday, February 17, 2017


Here's how to eat just a little bit healthier.

 It feels like everyday there is a new report on the latest super food we should be eating. Let's face it, if we tried to eat all the foods that magazines, book, TV, and 'experts' tell us we would be eating sun up to sun down.

1) Here are some super foods I try to eat everyday : eggs, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, nuts, spinach, broccoli and apples.

2) If I'm craving chocolate or sugary foods I try to eat instead nuts, seed, veggies, fruits and cranberries.

3) Stop buying salad dressing. It's healthier and more delicious if you make it yourself.

4)Shake up your weekly meal prep with fun but healthy recipes that you can make ahead of time.

5) Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That will make you feel less hungry than you really are.

6) Stop eating fast foods and fried foods. Fast food makes you fat and increases your risk of type 2 diabetes.

7) Sleep right. When you are short on sleep you might be tempted to skip exercise ( too tired) or get out for dinner and then turn in late because you are uncomfortably full.

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