Saturday, March 11, 2017

Weird Life Hacks


Is there anything more satisfying than an efficient workaround that saves you time or/and money? The answer is no.And the thing that always boggles my mind about a good life hack is that I usually can't believe that I was living my intire life without it once I know about it.

1) Turn the water to cold at the end of your shower to prevent acne. Cold water seals your pores and prevents dirt and bacteria from entering them.

2)Want whiter teeth? Gently rub the inside of a banana peel around your teeth for two minutes, the minerals will absorb into your teeth and whiten them.

3)Try applying your deodorant at night instead of the morning. It'll be more effective and you'll sweat less the next day.

4)When filming video at a concert using your phone, put a finger over your phone's microphone. It'll sound clearer when you play it back.

5)According to a study, smelling rubbing alcohol can relieve nausea almost instantly.

6) Running your bacon under cold water before cooking will reduce shrinking by up to 50%

7)Working out before bed makes your muscles burn more calories as you sleep.

8)You are more likely o remember something you've written in blue ink than something you've written in black ink.

9)You can see if jeans will fit without trying them on by placing the waistline around your neck.

10)Feeling sick? Eating 10 - 12 almonds is the same as having an aspirin.

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