Thursday, February 23, 2017

how to eat out healthy

5 Tricks To Eating Healthy While Eating Out

When you've committed to revamping your health and lifestyle, one of the most important thing is to take care the way you eat. And when you are in the kitchen it's a lot easier to stick to your healthy diet. But most of us don't eat every single meal at home. 

Is it really possible to eat out healthy?

Even if you're eating on town, it is possible to make healthy - or at least healthier- decisions.

1)Ask to " triple the vegetables, please"

When ordering, ask for three or four times the normal serving of veggies, and offer to pay extra.

2)Share your food

If you have nobody to share your food with, you can ask the waiter to wrap up half your meal for you to take home.

3)Have a healthy snack before you arrive.

If you are hungry when you arrive at a restaurant you may end up eating too much. One way to prevent this is to eat a healthy snack before you get there.

4)Avoid all-you-can-eat buffets

When you are faced with an unlimited supply of food at a buffet eating the right amount can be challenging.

5)Order a soup or a salad to start.

Having a soup or a salad before your main course can stop you from eating too much.
  • Order water instead of soda
  • Avoid fried

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