Saturday, February 18, 2017

How to get more shit done

10 ways to be more productive and actually get more shit done

Don't look at your productivity as one more goal to cross off your to-do list. Instead, think of it as an ongoing process that you can get better over time.

1)Get enough sleep. Whoever coined the phrase "I'll sleep when I'm dead" didn't have all the facts straight.

2) Create routines. Make a habit and stick to this habit.

3) Wake up earlier. Try extending the day by getting up an hour earlier. Use the morning for any work that requires deep focus.

4)Make a daily to-do list but don't schedule every minute of your day.

5)Take a midday workout break.

6) Stay healthy. Health and productivity go hand in hand, so be sure to maintain good healthy habits.

7)Shut off social media. Sayonara facebook,twitter and pinterest. Social media can be huge time suck.

8) Eat well. Certain foods ( salmon) can give us a much needed boost of energy.

9) De-clutter. Get rid of anything that may cause distractions (put away dishes, fold clothes )

10) Say no. Don't stretch yourself to thin. Learning to say no keeps us focused.

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