Thursday, March 9, 2017

How To Create A Writing Schedule That Works For You

How To Create And Keep  A Consistent Blogging Schedule

This post is geared more toward my blogging friends or those of you thinking about starting a blog. I'm always struggling with how to set up a blogging schedule succesfully. But lately I have found groove and wanted to share some blogging schedule tips.

1) Determine Your Best Writing Time 

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Write when you feel fresh and focused. Whatever works for you is your best time.

2) Schedule Your Days Ahead Of Time

Once you know what time of the day works best for you, schedule your writing time in. Treat your writing time as you would any other appointment or responsibility.

3)Let Roommates And Family Know That You Are Writing

One of the hardest things about writing is avoiding distraction. Let whoever's around know that you'll be in the office writing. And the more you establish your routine the more they will understand that yes, you really need some focused time.

4)Remove All Distractions

Remove every single thing that could cause you to become distracted. Your phone, facebook notification, Emails, anything that could deter you from being focused on your writing simply shut it down.

5)Create A Writing Space That Makes You Feel Zen

Sit down to write in a space full of chaos isn't going to get the creative juices flowing. You definately want to create a space for yourself that you want to be in, that is inspirational and peacefull.

Do you have a writing routine? We would love to hear in the comments some of the steps you follow to stay focused.

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